Victoria International Arts Festival (VIAF) is Malta’s longest-running Festival of its kind. Taking place over an uninterrupted period of five weeks, all concerts and cultural events are free of charge. It’s been dubbed ‘Gozo’s miracle’ and ‘a quiet revolution’. Be part of it!

Friday, 16 June 2023
Straight after a visit to il-Haģar Museum where I enjoyed, with two friends, the Francesco Zahra exhibition, we entered the splendid, opulent Baroque basilica to enjoy a double dose of sacred music by two masters. We happened to be familiar with both the venue and the music and felt privileged to l…
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Saturday, 10 June 2023
A day after the extremely successful opening concert the VIAF’s journey of chamber music concerts s…
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Friday, 9 June 2023
So "the Gozo miracle" is back with us, and, what a stunning inaugural concert it was! How pleased m…
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